Christian, women

Bringing the Gospel to Our Muslim Neighbors

When I taught school, I found myself drawn to the Muslim girls. Most of them were smart and kind. But how could I be a Light to this religion?

I read the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, by Nabeel Qureshi. Nabeel was a faithful and devout Muslim when he developed a relationship with a Christian classmate. Over several years, the two friends discussed the authenticity of Christian and Muslim beliefs. Eventually, Nabeel gave his life to Christ and became a Christian minister. If you have a Muslim friend or neighbor, this book will be a great help to you. Here is a link to Nabeel’s testimony.

Sharing the Gospel may require more than knocking on doors. It could require a long-time commitment to praying for and walking alongside another human being whom God has put in your path.

Think about the Parable of the Good Samaritan. A Samaritan was walking along and there on his path was a man in need of help. Who has God put in your path?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus says,

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Luke 10:27 NIV

Read The Parable of the Good Samaritan here.

Do you know a Muslim who needs Christ? Has God put it on your heart to reach out to them? Are you willing? God has a plan for spreading the Gospel. Many will come to know Jesus through friendship with an individual Christian.

No matter what the “Naysayers” claim, the Gospel will continue to spread globally because God’s purposes will be fulfilled!

lisa quintana

Watch this fascinating video and see how Christianity has spread over the last 2,000 years.

Reaching Muslim Women

Did you know that there are some sects of Islam in which women are not allowed to speak to men other than their husbands? Obviously, this would remove the opportunity for any Christian man to share the gospel with a Muslim woman.

But if Christian women are trained to know why Islam is false and Christianity is true, they will be well equipped to share the Gospel with our Muslim friends. There are many good resources available. Some are listed below. But you can start by reaching out and being a friend.

No longer do we have to travel across the world to share the Gospel with Muslims. In my town of Bowling Green, Kentucky it is estimated that over 10% of the town’s population has Bosnian heritage and most Bosnians are Muslim. And many immigrants from other countries also live here, many of whom are Muslim.

As we reach out to love our neighbors, many opportunities to share the Gospel will arise. You can find many good resources to learn about sharing your faith with our Muslim friends at Reasoned Cases for Christ and Think Divinely.

 “… if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. ” 1 Corinthians 13:2 NIV

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect …” 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

With Love, Cindy

Do you want to know more about Jesus? Click this link to learn more: Who Is Jesus?  

20 thoughts on “Bringing the Gospel to Our Muslim Neighbors”

  1. Cindy, that video with the world map is AMAZING! What a stunning picture of the spiritual condition of the world through the past 2022 years!
    Many Christians are reluctant to share the gospel with people of other religions, especially Islam, because they’re afraid of offending, angering, or losing a friendship. But I think it worth noting that Nabeel and his Christian roommate had a running debate (argument) and even had three-way debates regularly with a Buddhist student, and they were the best of friends.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Thank you for sharing Cindy! I recently followed your blog after reading an article of yours here on WordPress. Nabeel’s testimony spoke to me and I’d like to thank you for sharing it here.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. That video was quite interesting looking at the shifts in Christianity and other beliefs that come but we can clearly see the spread of the gospel. Very encouraging.
    And I so agree with what you said Cindy, sometimes it takes a commitment of a relationship with time to bring Christ to them.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Thank you Cindy for sharing that and opening my eyes a little wider to the need to share The gospel was not just those in my church or neighborhood with those who are Muslim dissent etc. when I get a chance to right now it seem to be being led to share the gospel with somebody who’s gay but we’re not on that subject. But I’m grateful to share the gospel any which way with anyone.

    Liked by 4 people

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